Blog Posts

Blog Posts

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Dr. Jay Paul Morgan

About Blog Posts Publications Teaching Swansea University

To put it simply: I don’t. I don’t like the word utilise. Instead, I use the word use. It’s a great word, use, it’s very short—one syllable, and easily conveys the intention. While utilise can also convey the meaning, it’s wrapped up in this air of pretentiousness that just isn’t needed.

I don’t …

“I am a scientist, and I solve problems. I don’t have to care about ethics!”

This statement concerns the ethics of scientists – scientific ethics. To understand whether the person making this statement is correct or not in their view, we must first understand the conte…

I would like to bring to attention that our (Jay Paul Morgan, Adeline Paiement, and Christian Klinke) paper 'Domain-informed graph neural networks: a quantum chemistry case study ' has been accepted for publication in the journal 'Neural Networks', while we are waiting fo…

The 2023 Machine Learning and Computer Vision in Heliophysics conference, hosted in the luxurious Millennium hotel, Sofia, Bulgaria, has now concluded after 3 days of interesting and thought-provoking lectures.

Following th…

We'll be presenting a poster at the Machine Learning and Computer Vision in Heliophysics international workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria.

The poster concerns the our work on improving the down-stream feature detection of solar features by removing the contani…

In one of my previous posts, I explained how a remote python process can be setup in an org-mode documents. Therefore, allowing you to offload any large compute to a remote server.

However, in the previous post, I mentioned how I was unable to …


Sometimes the work we do requires a lot of horse-power – a lot of compute resource. Perhaps more than what we can do locally. In these cases, we might need to use a remote server.

In this blog post, I wanted to demonstrate how I've used a local org-mode file to execute computations v…

Talk prepared for the AISB Workshop on Explainability and Transparency in AI, XTAI 2022.

Presentation Abstract

Machine Learning, in particular Deep Learning, has most recently provided the state-of-the-art results for many …

Presentation Abstract

Machine Learning (ML) has had a remarkable impact on society. Everything from the phones in our pockets, to the cars that we drive, are being increasingly outfitted with this progressively sophisticated suite of algorithms. But while many of the most ba…

I've been experimenting with make to deliver research projects. It has been to be a great way to alleviate some particular pain points that arise from these types of projects. Sufficed to say, the make tool has been an excellent addition to my workflow, one that I shall continue to use and exper…

A membership function is a method of translating a crisp value \(x \in \mathbb{R}\) into a fuzzy set. In other words, we can find the membership grade (the amount of membership) for x with a value between 0 and 1. If the membership grade is only 0 or …

Author: Jay Paul Morgan

Created: 2024-05-27 Mon 02:07
